No, I Haven’t Quit My Day Job
Saturday, November 26th, 2016
Apparently, a little clarification is needed. Yes, some of my friends and family have been wondering about seeing me peddle wares on Facebook and Instagram. No, I have not closed up my 9 to 5 business of the last 15 years.
Here’s the deal. I like to make stuff. The problem is I make more stuff than Bart and I can use. You only need so many scarves, which is a problem when you’d like to keep knitting, but you’re hooked on high-end handspun, hand dyed, really super expensive art yarn made by your dealer talented friend in Iowa. Then there’s soap. I usually make batches of soap that result in about 14 bars, and I don’t like to limit myself to just one scent. Are the 5-10 different bars of soap in my shower really necessary? Bart produces gallons of maple syrup each spring, and it’s more than we can eat by ourselves, so we get rid of some of it. I collect herbs and spices like some women collect shoes and purses. I grow them, buy them, pickle, infuse, and smoke them. No, no! Not that kind of smoke! As in, I put them in the smoker with wood chips, and make them taste smoky. The list of stuff I make is mind numbing. It’s getting out of control, but I really don’t want to stop.
Anyway, I decided the solution was to revamp my old Etsy store, and try to sell my surplus, so I can justify continuing to make more stuff. I hope it works, because I really don’t want to curb my hobbies. You can find a tab for the Etsy store at the top of the page. I’ve got more stuff to list, but I still need to take pictures. Mulled maple syrup will be added shortly.
So, yeah, to answer the question, I still have my day job.