I was a little negligent during my work week, so I’m behind on paperwork. I went to a beer festival yesterday, so I promised myself I would put in a full day of work on Sunday. Of course, I woke up to the most perfect weather I’ve seen in weeks, so I’ve decided to see how much I can cram into one Sunday. I probably don’t have time for a blog post, but I actually felt like writing today, so hey, why not? I’ve been breaking up the work-work stuff with fun-work stuff. After round one of the not so fun work, I grabbed my camera and went out to the pasture to play with the geese and scrub down the wading pond, water buckets, and feeders.
On the way out I got sidetracked by the passionflower vine I planted along side the chicken coop this spring.
I’m a little fastidious about keeping my birds clean, so every week to 10 days I usually scrub down the water buckets and feeders, as well as the goose pool. The goose pool gets a little “interesting” if I don’t clean it up periodically. I found a leopard frog in it the other morning. A good stiff scrub brush and some elbow grease were called for today.
Of course, I had some help from Teasel, the gander. He’s very nosy, and insists on inspecting everything.
Tulsi, the female was content to armchair supervise, and even treated Teasel and I to some dancing.
Did I mention it’s an absolutely gorgeous day?
While I was scrubbing the pool, I let the hose run into a muddy spot where Tulsi and Teasel love to root around in the mud. They were so busy with the mud, I was able to sneak up from behind and get this shot. Usually, they are so busy being armchair supervisors, that I’m rarely able to get a shot from behind.
Did I mention that it’s an amazing day? The bees were busy on the fall asters blooming in the pasture.
By the way, the chickens I raised from chicks this spring just started laying eggs two or three weeks ago.
When I was done in the pasture, I made a simple lunch of three perfectly poached eggs, and a piece of toast made from stale leftover bread (seriously, stale homemade bread makes the BEST toast in the world). Then I wrote this blog post, and now I have to go back to the not-so-fun work.